Scaling and Root Planing, otherwise know as deep cleaning, is a procedure that gets rid of tartar (hardened minerals) buildup from your teeth and root surfaces. This nonsurgical procedure treats and sometimes reverses early stages of periodontal (gum) disease.
Scaling and root planing offers several key benefits for those with gum disease.
1. Stops gum disease progression
SRP helps prevent gum disease from progressing by removing plaque and tartar, stopping further inflammation and infection.
2. Reduces gum inflammation and bleeding
This procedure also reduces gum inflammation and bleeding, allowing the gums to heal and return to a healthy state.
3. Eliminates bad breath
By eliminating the bacteria responsible for bad breath, it can significantly improve breath quality.
4. Prevents tooth loss
Scaling and root planing helps prevent tooth loss by protecting the supporting tissue and bone from damage.
5. Improves overall health
maintaining healthy gums through a deep cleaning treatment can improve overall health, as gum disease is linked to conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
The best candidate for scaling and root planing in Walnut Creek, CA is someone, who is showing signs of existing gum disease. These signs include:
1. Periodontal pockets greater than 4mm
2. Significant plaque and tartar below the gumline
3. Persistent bad breath
4. Red, swollen gums
5. Bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth
6. Bone loss visible on a dental x-ray
7. Noticeable tooth movement/mobility
Generally, people at higher risk of gum disease, such as smokers, people with diabetes, pregnant women, or people with a history of dental disease, may benefit from a deep cleaning.
During a routine dental exam, our team can determine whether root scaling and root planing is right for your oral health situation.
Scaling and root planing is typically performed in two one-hour appointments, two mouth quadrants at a time. The procedure can also be performed in all in one day, if the patient so desires.
Part 1:Tooth Scaling
Your dentist will start the deep cleaning by numbing an entire side of your mouth. Then the dentist will scale and remove the hardened plaque and buildup from your teeth above and below the gumline, down to the very bottom of the periodontal pocket.
Part 2: Root Planing
After removing the plaque, your dentist will smooth out (plane) the rough surfaces on the roots of your teeth. Smoothing the root surface helps prevent bacteria, plaque, and tartar from reattaching to your teeth below the gumline. Root planing also allows your gums to firmly reattach to your teeth and heal.
Scaling and root planing typically leaves the gums tender and the teeth sensitive for up to a week. Your gums may also bleed and feel swollen. You can manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain medication, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
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